D.C Directory

B.S. in Civil Engineering

Program Host

University of the District of Columbia

Host Type

Academic programs

Program Focus

Engineering & research



About the Program

Civil Engineering is the oldest branch of the profession of engineering that deals with planning, design, construction and maintenance of the built environment on which society depends. Many of the life sustaining important things in our lives are the product of Civil Engineering. There are two broad types of civil engineer leaders: those who work in creating visible infrastructures such as buildings, highways, bridges, airports, ports, waterways, and dams; and those who work behind the scenes such as in building foundations, water treatment plants, water supply pipe systems, ecological restoration and underground drainage systems. The program for the Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering offers courses in the several sub-disciplines of Civil Engineering that include structural engineering, water resources engineering, geotechnical engineering, transportation engineering, and construction engineering. The Civil Engineering Program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org. The objective of the Civil Engineering Program is to prepare students for engineering careers and/or advanced study in Civil Engineering and to offer research and service programs for the general public. Civil Engineers have responsibility for designing various structures, including bridges, highways, and infrastructure facilities. The program places special emphasis on solving problems in urban areas, particularly in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. Civil Engineers are employed in both industry and governmental agencies. The demand is significantly higher than the number of graduates. The expertise of the Civil Engineering faculty, combined with their dedication to quality of instruction, their willingness to provide individual attention to students, and their experience provide the basis for a solid fundamental engineering education.