Industrial Electronics Technology, AAS

Industrial Electronics Technology, AAS

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James Roxbury, MA

Construction Supervisor

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Finn Fall River, MA

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Courtney New Bedford, MA

HVAC Installer

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  • Program Info

    The Associate of Applied Science degree in Industrial Electronics Technology is designed for students interested in Advanced Manufacturing, Electronics and related fields. Program graduates will be prepared to enter a growing industry that requires creative applications of troubleshooting and maintenance skills. Students will interact with current technology and tools including, 3D printers, CNC machines, laser cutters, welding, programmable logic controllers, microcontrollers, robotics platforms, and more! The job market includes similar careers as maintenance technicians, skilled machinists, mechatronics technicians, circuit board assemblers and more.

  • Contact Us

    Program Host: Piedmont Virginia Community College

    Contact: Kenneth Welborn


If you’re learning to program for the first time, or if you’re coming from a different language, this course, JavaScript: Getting Started, will give you the basics for coding in JavaScript. First, you’ll discover the types of applications that can be built with JavaScript, and the platforms they’ll run on.

Next, you’ll explore the basics of the language, giving plenty of examples. Lastly, you’ll put your JavaScript knowledge to work and modify a modern, responsive web page. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge in JavaScript to create simple programs, create simple web applications, and modify web pages.

What you’ll learn

  • Recognize the importance of understanding your objectives when addressing an audience.
  • Identify the fundaments of composing a successful close.
  • Explore how to connect with your audience through crafting compelling stories.
  • Examine ways to connect with your audience by personalizing your content.
  • Break down the best ways to exude executive presence.
  • Explore how to communicate the unknown in an impromptu communication.

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Quick Facts
Program Host Type: Academic programs
Program Focus: Green design & construction
Outcomes: Associate
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